last night

headed over to Tripod last night to check out the BT2 spring fashion show. It was pretty good. I love fashion shows as I love checking out the models.. the hair.. the makeup.. oh yeah and I suppose the clothes as well. I took a short video during the show so you can check it out below. I liked the idea of having live music during the show. Dirty Epics played a song on the runway which was kind of cool. Do Dirty Epics only play at launches and events???? Saw them just last week at the Urban Outfitters Good Friday Party. hhmmmm.

After that, we called into Dandelion for the Miss competition. Fun times.
here are some more photees

Lara face

Yomiko & Tara



Baiba looked so amazing!! definitely had the best walk.


At Miss Hotspots

Super gorgeous Michelle McGrath, Pippa O’Connor, Sarah Kavanagh

Hotties Andrea Roche and Michelle McGrath

beautiful Ciara me and Corina

me and the paps haha.


me and Nemo

Team Gang